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One of the students who are eager for education and science

2023-03-15 | Science

Zhumakan Dilnaz, a 2nd-year student of Shakarim University, Faculty of Philology, "Foreign language: two foreign languages" educational program, has been showing his best side since the beginning of the 2nd semester. In his bag:

✒️ 1st degree diploma in English language at the Republican distance subject Olympiad organized by "KKO. Kz";
✒️ 2nd degree diploma in the subject of English at the Republican Subject Olympiad organized by the Uchitelya.kz educational portal;
✒️Republican Distance Pedagogical Olympiad organized by Triad in the subject of English language - ІІ degree diploma;
✒️Republican Subject Olympiad - III degree diploma;
✒️Certificate on the publication of educational methodological material on the republican scientific-methodological site;
✒️Certificate of participation in the course "Effective methods of the English language teaching";
✒️Course "Grammar and Punctuation" on the Coursera platform - certificate;
✒️The course "Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal and Professional Productivity" on the Coursera platform received a certificate. According to Dilnaz, "Coursera platform provides a good opportunity to further develop our knowledge, learn new information by exchanging with other people, and improve our knowledge. Coursera platform creates a favorable environment for us."

👩🏻🏫Leader: Slyambekova Nurgul Askarkyny
