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    u n i v e r s i t y

Madimova Dilyara

  • Master in Arts
  • +77088892181

Subjects taught

  • Basic foreign language (English) level B2 I
  • Lexicography and Work with Dictionaries
  • Scientific and Technical Translation
  • Multimedia Gadgets in Education
  • Translation of Audio and Video Materials
  • Practice of Oral Translation
  • English for academic purposes
  • Practice of Lliterary Translation
  • Practical English Grammar
  • Basic foreign language (English) level B2 II
  • Linguistic Foundations of Translation and Modern Technologies in Translation
  • Practice of Written Translation


Qualıty assurance and student satısfactıon wıth academıc programs: challenges and recomendations


Qualıty assurance and student satısfactıon wıth academıc programs: challenges and recomendations
