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Educational programs
7M01702 - Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages
The group of educational programs М019 Training foreign language teachers is included in the field of education 7М01 Pedagogical Sciences

The EP did not participate in the Atameken rating The uniqueness of the program lies in the absence of similar educational programs in the Semey region for the preparation of masters who speak two foreign languages. Currently, there is an urgent need for highly qualified personnel who have knowledge and methods of teaching several foreign languages, who know how to carry out effective communication between representatives of different cultures, who are able to translate oral and written texts of various styles and genres. The program represents the field of linguistics, which considers language as a means of cognition of the world, formation and expression of thought, storage and organization of knowledge. The subject of the study of this field is the ways of implementing interlanguage communication, intercultural communication, linguistic support of professional contacts, as well as ways of using modern technologies to solve professional pedagogical tasks. The Master of the educational program "Foreign language: two foreign languages" should be prepared for conducting pedagogical, experimental, research, organizational, administrative, socio-pedagogical, educational and technological activities.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of masters of the scientific and pedagogical direction is the development of at least 88 credits of theoretical training, including 6 credits of pedagogical practice, 13 credits of research practice, as well as at least 24 credits of research work of a master's student, including internships and the completion of a master's thesis, at least 8 credits of the final attestations . A total of 120 credits.
2 years.
To prepare highly qualified teachers of foreign languages, methodologists-researchers according to the requirements of the updated paradigm of foreign language education
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the educational program 7M01702 - Foreign language: two foreign languages
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    - Teacher of foreign languages in the field of secondary education;- Teacher of foreign languages at universities and colleges;- Senior positions in the education system (schools, colleges, universities)’ - Expert of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;- Researcher at research institutes and universities.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
    7 (sublevels 7.1; 7.2)
  • Area of professional activity
    – secondary education – higher education – scientific and pedagogical activity.
  • Object of professional activity
    - organizations of secondary education of all types and departmental affiliations; - technical and professional educational organizations; - higher educational institutions; - research institutes; - institutes of advanced training and retraining of educational workers – authorized and local executive bodies of education.
  • Types of professional activity
    - pedagogical -organizational -managerial - research and development
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Sociolinguistic and scientific-pedagogical activity

Learning outcomes for the module:

A. Demonstrates the ability to solve ideological, sociolinguistic and philosophical problems in educational and professional activities B. Uses modern methods and technologies in the context of all types of educational activities, taking into account the age, sensory and intellectual abilities of students C. Transmits oral and written messages in accordance with the norms of the academic and literary style of languages D. Knows the principles and methods of studying the educational environment E. Owns the methodology of scientific knowledge F. Solves professional problems, revealing the essence of the problem provided in the topic of the master's thesis

Scientific, pedagogical and methodological activities

Learning outcomes for the module:

A. Demonstrates the ability to solve ideological, sociolinguistic and philosophical problems in educational and professional activities B. Uses modern methods and technologies in the context of all types of educational activities, taking into account the age, sensory and intellectual abilities of students C. Owns the principles and methods of studying the educational environment D. Understands new conceptual ideas and directions of development of pedagogical science in the context of the modern paradigm of education E. Shows independence and initiative thinking F. Solves professional problems, revealing the essence of the problem provided in the topic of the master's thesis

Linguopragmatic aspect of foreign languages

Learning outcomes for the module:

Transmits oral and written messages in accordance with the norms of the academic and literary style of languages. Provides a parallel between linguistic theory and practical analysis of language units Shows independence and initiative thinking Demonstrates readiness to create new values, make creative decisions

Modern linguistic trends

Learning outcomes for the module:

Transmits oral and written messages in accordance with the norms of the academic and literary style of languages Demonstrates readiness to create new values, make creative decisions Owns the methodology of scientific knowledge Provides a parallel between linguistic theory and practical analysis of language units