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Educational programs
6B01705 - Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages
The group of educational programs B018 Training foreign language teachers is included in the field of education 6B01 Pedagogical sciences.

2022 year - 24th place 2023 year - 23rd place Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology, NAO "Shakarim State University of Semey" implements the educational program 6B01705 "Foreign language: two foreign languages". A graduate of the educational program 6B01705 "Foreign language: Two foreign languages" has the necessary skills and abilities to conduct pedagogical, experimental, research, organizational, administrative, social and pedagogical, educational and technological activities. The educational program 6B01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages at the university is carried out in the following directions: - educational (pedagogical): as a teacher of two foreign languages, taking into account the level of the international standard for the formation of other language competencies of students; - experimental research: acquaintance with scientific and methodological literature, acquaintance with the best practices of other languages, generalization of it and conducting experiments with the implementation of its results in the educational process; - organizational and administrative: planning the content of teaching different languages at all levels; determining the ways of organizing and conducting the educational process; - socio-pedagogical: the formation of a multicultural person with a developed perspective and the ability to think; - educational and technological: information literacy; study and use of modern technologies (including multimedia teaching of foreign languages) in the educational process. The uniqueness of the educational program is that students are given the opportunity to study under the program of double-degree education "Bachelor's Degree 2+2" and under the programs of academic mobility in foreign universities, such as the Korean Jionsang National University, the State Higher Professional School named after Jan Amos Kamensky. The educational program provides for the education of a student with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher educational institution, as well as his socialization and integration into society.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the development of students at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practice, 8 credits of final certification. Total 240 credits.
2 years.
To form a highly qualified, competitive teacher of two foreign languages in the field of education, capable and ready to independently set and solve problems in the field of their professional activities, adequately responding to the conditions of a dynamically developing multilingual and multicultural world.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Education in the educational program
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    - teacher of two foreign languages of secondary primary school: as a teacher of English and German languages; - English and Chinese language teacher; - teacher of English and Turkish languages - specialized schools (with in-depth study of foreign languages and schools with the teaching of a number of subjects in a foreign language); - teacher of two foreign languages of secondary technical and professional educational organizations.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
    6 (sublevels 6.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.4 )
  • Area of professional activity
    Bachelor of Education in the educational program 6B01705 "Foreign language: two foreign languages" carries out its professional activities in the field of education: - educational; - experimental research; - organizational and managerial support; - socio-pedagogical; - educational and educational; - educational and technological.
  • Object of professional activity
    - organization of preschool education and upbringing; - primary, primary and specialized schools; - specialized school; - organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education (college).
  • Types of professional activity
    Types of professional activity of the graduate of the educational program 6B01705 "Foreign language: two foreign languages": graduates can perform the following professional activities: - educational (pedagogical): performing the functions of a teacher of two foreign languages, taking into account the international standard level requirements for the formation of foreign language competencies of students; - experimental research: the study of scientific and methodological literature, familiarization with the best practices of foreign language education, its generalization, conducting experiments with the implementation of their results in the educational process; - organizational and managerial: planning the content of foreign language education at different levels; determining the ways of organizing and conducting the educational process; management and monitoring the quality of the formation of foreign language competencies; - socio-pedagogical: the formation of a multicultural personality with a developed worldview and thinking;
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Language and socio-cultural training

Learning outcomes for the module:

- Distinguish between accumulated historical information; effectively uses the limited resources of nature and the human body. - Describe historical and contemporary events and processes, the political and economic context of educational, social and professional situations. - To operate with the main provisions and methods of social, humanitarian and natural sciences in solving social and professional problems. - Be able to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set goals and choose ways to achieve it; be able to logically correctly, argumentatively and clearly build statements. - To organize the main provisions and methods of the social, humanitarian and natural sciences. - Measure accumulated historical information; effectively judges the use of the limited resources of nature and the human body.

Professional-oriented communication

Learning outcomes for the module:

- Distinguish between grammatical phenomena designed to provide a practical mastery of the basics of oral and written communication within the subject of study. - Select and use relevant information, transmit information, inform the interlocutor. - Express your point of view on a given topic within the framework of personal interests and professional activities, summarize and communicate your opinion about the information actually collected, shows the level of proficiency in lexical and grammatical material in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the language being studied. - Present in oral and written form the events, read, listened to or viewed materials, conduct business correspondence and correspondence, using active vocabulary in the field of business English. - Create a well-structured, detailed message on complex topics, demonstrating mastery of text organization models, communication tools, and the integration of its elements. - Implement innovative ideas in education,

Socio-political knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

- To determine the main teachings in the field of humanities and social sciences, the basic values of culture and the place of culture of Kazakhstan in civilization. - Describe the basics of the worldview character. - To use knowledge and skills in the implementation of the state policy in the field of education, in conducting scientific research of a historical and socio-humanitarian nature. - Analyze the evaluation of the results of their own activities and reflection, the expression of judgment in the responsible choice of social alternatives, the ability to make judgments, evaluate ideas and formulate conclusions in the field of humanities and social disciplines. - Possess a high level of culture, the ability to convince, to argue their position during discussions on social and humanitarian topics. - Evaluate the necessary material for further training, processes and evaluates the results of research work.

Basic language training

Learning outcomes for the module:

- Determine the general patterns of the structure and functioning of the language. - Recognize oral speech in a foreign language at a natural or close pace on social and household, socio-cultural topics. - Form speech intonation, pronunciation styles; uses the necessary minimum of vocabulary and grammatical material for full participation in the communication process. - In the conditions of mediated communication, it is logical and consistent to build an oral / written statement (in connection with what you have heard /read), expressing your personal attitude to the subject of speech. Find and extract information from the reading of texts and literature. - Maintain contact with the interlocutor, in conditions of direct communication in various situations and communicate, request and evaluate information, respond adequately to the statements of the communication partner, express your own opinion / judgment using argumentation, emotional-expressive and evaluative means of language.

Pedagogical foundations of the profession

Learning outcomes for the module:

- Determine the features of the teaching profession, distinguishes the functions of a teacher-teacher of foreign languages in the educational process. - Describe standard, applied, modern methods and technologies of pedagogical disciplines in accordance with the set goals and objectives. - Master the methods of social and pedagogical communication within the framework of professional communication, in the implementation of the educational process. - Analyze and carry out pedagogical monitoring, formulate conclusions from the conducted training session or extracurricular activities. - Organize the acquired new knowledge in pedagogy and psychology, and use it in professional activities. - To assess the level of knowledge of students based on the knowledge of pedagogy and age characteristics of students in the process of learning AI.

Methods of teaching foreign languages

Learning outcomes for the module:

- Identify common problems of teaching foreign languages, ways to solve them, goals and objectives of training. - Describe the most important approaches to understanding the goals of the updated content of education and criteria-based assessment. - During pedagogical practice, use modern interactive and innovative communication technologies in foreign language education, taking into account modern requirements. - Analyze the educational needs of each child, depending on their age, sensory and intellectual abilities. - Classify modern methods and technologies in the context of all types of educational activities in a foreign language. - Interpret modern textbooks and textbooks on the methodology of foreign language education and test them in the educational process.

Linguopragmatic aspect of a foreign language

Learning outcomes for the module:

- Know the norms of academic English, its features, functions and structures. - Recognize academic texts of a given compositional type of speech, conveys the content of what is read, heard, and seen, as well as your own thoughts, in accordance with the logic of presentation and the norms of the graphic-spelling and punctuation systems of the language being studied. - Apply the necessary amount of lexical and grammatical material for conducting academic communication. - Highlight the main idea, idea, fluently conducts a conversation on a variety of topics, give fairly detailed descriptions on a wide range of issues of interest, be able to write an essay or report. - Design the general content of academic texts, radio broadcasts, interviews, selectively using the necessary reference materials of the language being studied. - Evaluate the information of the academic text, making conclusions and conclusions in written and oral forms.

Linguistic science

Learning outcomes for the module:

- To determine the comparative characteristics of the native and foreign languages; didactic and methodological specifics of teaching a foreign language based on linguistic experience; - To systematize and apply the methods of language studies; - Illustrate language phenomena with relevant examples from the languages being compared; - Conduct a comparative analysis of the native and foreign languages in order to prevent and overcome interference; analyzes the branches of linguistics; - To substantiate the conclusions from observations of the actual material. Draw a parallel between linguistic theory and practical analysis of language units; - Evaluate the methodology of comparative analysis of the phenomena of the Kazakh, English, and German languages at different levels and in different subsystems.

Languages of intercultural communication

Learning outcomes for the module:

- Determine the grammar, phonetics and morphology of foreign languages; has a systematic understanding of the structure of the second foreign language, the functioning of language units in speech. - Recognize and understand foreign language speech and express your own judgment in oral and written form. - To use the units of the language structure of foreign languages in various communication situations, i.e. to be able to correctly and correctly use lexical, grammatical and phonetic material in speech activity; to select meaningful information, to transmit information. - Explain information messages on various topics, conveys the main idea and specific details from information messages on the topic being studied. - Establish constructive contacts in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages when communicating directly with people, negotiate orally and in the form of correspondence; - Evaluate, select, and use various foreign language speech structures.

Theory of the studied language

Learning outcomes for the module:

- Learn the basic topics, goals, methods of theoretical grammar (such as principles of scientific grammar), theoretical phonetics (the study of the phoneme, the classification of phonemes), lexicology (the study of the word, its borders and meaning), stylistic (the theory of functional styles, the main approaches to the study of the text) and the history of the English language (milestones in the history of the development of the language, the basics of etymological analysis, the laws of development of linguistic units). - Possess a system of linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of the main phonetic, lexical, grammatical, word-forming phenomena and patterns of functioning of the English language. - Use modern scientific and theoretical views in the field of linguistic theories. - Perform grammatical, syntactic, morphological, contextual and etymological analysis of language units, explain language phenomena in synchrony and diachrony. - To classify the functions of language to formulate and solve the problem