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Educational programs
6B01706 - Kazakh language and literature -English language
The group of educational programs B016 Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature is included in the field of education 6B01 Pedagogical sciences.

The educational program did not participate in the Atameken-2022 rating, due to the termination of the enrollment of students and/or the lack of graduation The educational program 6B01706 "Kazakh language and literature – English" was developed by teachers of the philological faculty of the NAO "Shakarim University of Semey" of the Department of "Kazakh Philology and Journalism" and the Department of Foreign Languages with the participation of the employer, the director of secondary school No. 37 of Semey and a 4th–year student of the specialty Kazakh language and literature – English. A distinctive feature of the educational program 6B01706 "Kazakh language and literature – English" is the training of a specialist who is able to simultaneously teach Kazakh language and literature and English in accordance with the requirements and requests of the modern education system. The educational program 6B01706 "Kazakh language and literature – English" is carried out taking into account the level of the international standard in the areas of planning the content of teaching Kazakh language and literature and English at all levels; determining the ways of organizing and conducting the educational process; quality control and management of the preservation and development of language competence, formation of a promising and thinking multicultural person as teachers of Kazakh language and literature and English. The educational program provides for the education of a student with special educational needs in the conditions of a higher educational institution, as well as his socialization and integration into society.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the development of students at least 203 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 25 credits of practice, 12 credits of final certification. Total 240 credits.
4 years
To form highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of education, capable of independently setting and solving tasks in the field of professional activity, fluent in the Kazakh language and literature and English in a rapidly developing polylingual and multicultural world.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Education in the educational program "6B01706 - Kazakh language and literature –English"
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    - Teacher of Kazakh language and literature and English educational (pedagogical) - in general education secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, organizations of technical and professional, post-secondary education; - In the field of translation(in government agencies, various enterprises, production facilities) - research (junior researcher in research institutions); - literary and creative (in literary, cultural institutions, publishing houses); - organizational and managerial (in secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, colleges in institutions directly related to the specialty); - production and management (in state bodies, departments of office management and documentation at various enterprises and production facilities) - literary consultant.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
    6 (level 6.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.4 )
  • Area of professional activity
    The field of professional activity of a Bachelor is determined in accordance with the needs of the labor market: ▪ education; ▪ science; ▪ translation ▪ administrative services in the field of Education (Secondary and special secondary, higher educational institutions); ▪ other areas of social and humanitarian services (intercultural communication); * maintaining the language of documents;
  • Object of professional activity
     general education and specialized schools  secondary (gymnasiums, lyceums) and secondary special (colleges, technical schools) educational institutions;  research institutions;  publishing worker  there may be other forms that coincide with the profile of the specialty;  primary schools;  specialized schools;
  • Types of professional activity
    a graduate of the educational program Kazakh language and literature-English can perform the following types of professional activities:: 1) training; 2) education; 3) methodical; 4) research; 5) social and communicative. - teaching Kazakh language and literature and English; - implementation of work on the organization of the educational and methodological process in educational institutions; - correction, editing of printed products; - conducting research in the fields of linguistics, literary studies, Folklore Studies and textology; - prepares official and business documents; - conducts educational work in the field of culture; - performs oral and written translations; -carries out professional activities in educational, cultural, managerial institutions, mass media, in the field of intercultural communication and other spheres of social and humanitarian activity that require philological knowledge.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Fundamentals of socio-informational and political knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

Able to collect informational materials for solving scientific, ethical and social issues and the formation of a modern thinking culture and methodological research strategy, active citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms and the formation of tolerant social interaction skills.

Intercultural communication

Learning outcomes for the module:

has the ability to oral and written communication in Russian and foreign languages for solving problems of interpersonal and intercultural interactions

Fundamentals of pedagogical and psychological training

Learning outcomes for the module:

knows how to apply methods and means of cognition for intellectual development, increase of cultural level, professional competence, moral and physical self-improvement

Fundamental training

Learning outcomes for the module:

Defines the basic theoretical concepts of literary science and linguistics, independently develops the ability to think and analyze in the cognitive direction, explores the types, content, functions and objectives of the activities in the future specialty

Fundamentals of the formation of literary and linguistic knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

Forms views on fundamental global issues in the field of linguistics and literary criticism in the effective use of language and literature resources and able to analyze it comprehensively.

Methodological basis

Learning outcomes for the module:

owns a system of subject, psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge, abilities and skills of applying theoretical knowledge in professional activities, taking into account specific socio-pedagogical conditions

Professionally oriented communication

Learning outcomes for the module:

Transmits oral and written messages in accordance with the norms of English, Provides a parallel between linguistic theory and practical analysis of language units

Theoretical foundations of foreign languages

Learning outcomes for the module:

owns a system of linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of the basic phonetic, lexical, grammatical, word-formation phenomena and patterns of functioning of the studied foreign language, its functional varieties, тests theoretical knowledge in practice

Advanced theoretical training

Learning outcomes for the module:

able to apply the knowledge gained in the field of theory and history and literature of language, communication theory, philological analysis and text interpretation in own research activities